Hello! I’m back. Sorry I haven’t
written anything new in quite a while, but so much happens in our world
that it just depresses me to even think about it. But none the less I have
a webpage, so I might as well utilize it, right? So to all of you who have
been to my page, welcome back. I enjoy your responses and to those of you
who are new, I hope you get something out of my words. The recent act of
terrorism, is beyond words. It’s so sad that some real idiots had to take
innocent lives and reek havoc on part of our nation. You know, I sit and
ask myself my self why they would do something like this. You know if we
as the people knew what was really going on behind the scenes, by those
we place in office, I’m sure things would be much clearer. But we can only
assume this or that and then there are those who point a finger and place
the blame on the most likely candidate. Maybe the culprit is Osama Bin
Laden and his followers.
But fairly, we must ask why he done
this? There are many countries that we snowball or exploit. Why can’t we
just mind our own business? Well, I think it’s all about greed. What we
can get for the cheapest deal.
You know I see labels saying, “Made
in USA”, and hear people saying, “Keep jobs here, buy American”. But have
you ever stopped and look at how many businesses in America are actually
owned by Americans. Unbelievable! How many qualified Americans have been
replaced by non-Americans? But yet we continue to let our own country suffer
while we help other countries. We hear that we don’t have money and that
we’ll have to take cuts in retirement or pensions or social securities,
but yet we have the money to “loan” millions and billions to other countries.
And what do they do with the money? Well they build weapons and training
of soldiers. What they can’t build, we supply them with. I’m wondering
why we can’t just help our own and then worry about the others. Do any
of the other countries such as the Soviet Union, China, Europe help these
less fortunate countries like we do? Why do we have to be responsible for
these countries? Because we our greedy, plain and simply. Why pay you $
9,00 an hour when we can get it done for $ 4,00. I believe that if we didn’t
stick our noses in other countries business, we wouldn’t be facing terrorism
or crime as we know it. We could put all our efforts in helping our own.
We are living in a world, that day by day is slowly destroying itself.
We abuse the abilities we have. We all want to succeed, but do we have
to do it by steping on others?
Everyday we face so much hatred.
Why does it have to be like that? The sad thing is, that innocent people
have to suffer because of the selfishness and greed of others. We sure
don’t live in a perfect world, but we could sure make it a better one.
All the people that lost their lives, all the pain of those who lost someone
in this act of terrorism, could have been avoided. As the Constitution
says in the beginning: “We the people”.
It’s sad that we can’t work together
for the better of all. With just a little effort from all of us, we can
make such a big difference. Isn’t it time that we stop inflicting pain
upon one another and help each other? We have experienced more pain and
hurt and hatred in the last two decades than we ever have. It isn’t accomplishing
nothing but ruin.
It’s time to start rebuilding before
its too late. What is it that we fait to realize? The only thing we will
succeed in doing at the rate we are going to destruction. What benefit
is there in that? Well I hope what I’ve said will stop and make you think.
It takes all of us. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims and
their families of this recent devastation. May your grief be short and
your hatred be gone.
You are remembered.
Carman Deck
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